Our First Program - Ride to a Better Life

Friday, October 28, 2011

We haven't completed our 501(c)3 filing yet, but that doesn't mean we're sitting around doing nothing! We've started our first program, a fundraiser for two children that need new bikes - their very first bikes, in fact. We call the program "Ride to a Better Life", and you can read their story and help spread the word over at www.ridetoabetterlife.org.

Charity Restaurant

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Singer Jon Bon Jovi opens a restaurant in New Jersey where diners can pay what they can. It's a way to remove the stigma of a "soup kitchen" for those in need. Read more about it here.

Inspiring Video

This is a touching and heartbreaking video of a man who is doing the right things for his fellow humans. His name is Narayanan Krishnan and he should inspire all of us. His organization is called Akshya Trust, and if you'd like to donate to help his mission, you can do so online at his site.